No Matches
ParticlesExporter Class Reference

#include <particles_exporter.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for ParticlesExporter:

Public Member Functions

void setParticles (const Particles &particles)
 Set the particles to export to a file. This method is required before exporting.
void toProf (const std::filesystem::path &path, const double &time)
 Export the particles to a file in the Prof format.
void toVtu (const std::filesystem::path &path, const double &time, const double &n0ForNumberDensity=1.0, const bool binary=false)
 Export the particles to a file in the VTK zlib format.
void toCsv (const std::filesystem::path &path, const double &time)
 Export the particles to a file in the CSV format.

Public Attributes

Particles particles

Private Member Functions

bool isBigEndian () const
 detect the endian of the system
std::string dataArrayBegin (const std::string &type, const std::string &name, int numberOfComponents, const std::string &format, size_t offset=SIZE_MAX) const
 write the header of DataArray for the VTK format
std::string dataArrayEnd () const
 write the end of DataArray for the VTK format
void toVtuAscii (const std::filesystem::path &path, const double &time, const double &n0ForNumberDensity=1.0)
 Export the particles to a file in the VTK zlib format.
void toVtuBinary (const std::filesystem::path &path, const double &time, const double &n0ForNumberDensity=1.0)
 Export the particles to a file in the VTK zlib format.

Detailed Description

ParticlesExporter class

This class is responsible for exporting the particles to a file. It can export the particles to certain file formats. If you want to add a new file format, you can add a new method to this class. It only requires the particles (and the time) to export the particles to a file.

Definition at line 19 of file particles_exporter.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ isBigEndian()

bool ParticlesExporter::isBigEndian ( ) const

detect the endian of the system

Some CPUs are big endian, and others are little endian. The endian of the system is detected by checking the first byte of the 32-bit integer 1. If the first byte is 0, the system is big endian.

if the system is big endian, return true, otherwise false

Definition at line 12 of file particles_exporter.cpp.

12 {
13 uint32_t i = 1; // 0x00000001
14 uint8_t first_byte = *reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&i);
15 return first_byte == 0;
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dataArrayBegin()

std::string ParticlesExporter::dataArrayBegin ( const std::string & type,
const std::string & name,
int numberOfComponents,
const std::string & format,
size_t offset = SIZE_MAX ) const

write the header of DataArray for the VTK format

typetype of data (e.g., Float32, Int32)
nameName of the data array
numberOfComponentsnumber of components of the data array
formatformat of the data array (ascii, binary, appended)
offsetoffset of the data array in the appended format
the header of the DataArray

Definition at line 18 of file particles_exporter.cpp.

20 {
21 // --- assertion ---
22 // allowed types and format
23 // -----------------
24 assert(
25 type == "Int8" || type == "UInt8" || type == "Int16" || type == "UInt16" || type == "UInt32" ||
26 type == "Int32" || type == "UInt64" || type == "Int64" || type == "Float32" || type == "Float64"
27 ); // allowed data types
28 assert(format == "ascii" || format == "binary" || format == "appended"); // allowed formats
29 assert(
30 format == "appended" && offset != SIZE_MAX || format != "appended" && offset == SIZE_MAX
31 ); // offset is required for appended format
33 std::string ret;
34 ret += "<DataArray type=\"" + type + "\" Name=\"" + name + "\" NumberOfComponents=\"" +
35 std::to_string(numberOfComponents) + "\" format=\"" + format + "\"";
36 if (format == "appended") {
37 ret += " offset=\"" + std::to_string(offset) + "\"";
38 }
39 ret += ">";
40 return ret;
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dataArrayEnd()

std::string ParticlesExporter::dataArrayEnd ( ) const

write the end of DataArray for the VTK format

the end of the DataArray

Definition at line 43 of file particles_exporter.cpp.

43 {
44 return "</DataArray>";
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toVtuAscii()

void ParticlesExporter::toVtuAscii ( const std::filesystem::path & path,
const double & time,
const double & n0ForNumberDensity = 1.0 )

Export the particles to a file in the VTK zlib format.

pathpath to the file to write
timecurrent time in the simulation
n0ForNumberDensityreference number density for the number density calculation

--— Points --—

--— Cells --—

Definition at line 67 of file particles_exporter.cpp.

67 {
68 std::ofstream ofs(path);
69 if ( {
70 cerr << "cannot write " << path << endl;
71 std::exit(-1);
72 }
74 // header
75 ofs << "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" << endl;
76 ofs << "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"1.0\" header_type=\"UInt64\" byte_order=\"";
77 if (isBigEndian()) {
78 ofs << "BigEndian";
79 } else {
80 ofs << "LittleEndian";
81 }
82 ofs << "\">" << endl;
83 ofs << "<UnstructuredGrid>" << endl
84 << "<Piece NumberOfPoints=\"" << particles.size() << "\" NumberOfCells=\"" << particles.size() << "\">" << endl;
89 ofs << "<Points>" << endl;
90 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Float64", "Position", 3, "ascii") << endl;
91 for (const auto& p : particles) {
92 ofs << p.position.x() << " " << p.position.y() << " " << p.position.z() << endl;
93 }
94 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
95 ofs << "</Points>" << endl;
97 // ---------------------
98 // ----- PointData -----
99 // ---------------------
100 ofs << "<PointData>" << endl;
101 // Particle Type
102 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Int32", "Particle Type", 1, "ascii") << endl;
103 for (const auto& p : particles) {
104 ofs << static_cast<int32_t>(p.type) << endl;
105 }
106 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
107 // Velocity
108 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Float64", "Velocity", 3, "ascii") << endl;
109 for (const auto& p : particles) {
110 ofs << p.velocity.x() << " " << p.velocity.y() << " " << p.velocity.z() << endl;
111 }
112 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
113 // Pressure
114 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Float64", "Pressure", 1, "ascii") << endl;
115 for (const auto& p : particles) {
116 ofs << p.pressure << endl;
117 }
118 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
119 // Number Density
120 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Float64", "Number Density", 1, "ascii") << endl;
121 for (const auto& p : particles) {
122 ofs << p.numberDensity << endl;
123 }
124 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
125 // Number Density Ratio
126 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Float64", "Number Density Ratio", 1, "ascii") << endl;
127 for (const auto& p : particles) {
128 ofs << p.numberDensity / n0ForNumberDensity << endl;
129 }
130 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
131 // Boundary Condition
132 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Int32", "Boundary Condition", 1, "ascii") << endl;
133 for (const auto& p : particles) {
134 ofs << static_cast<int32_t>(p.boundaryCondition) << endl;
135 }
136 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
137 // Fluid Type
138 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Int32", "Fluid Type", 1, "ascii") << endl;
139 for (const auto& p : particles) {
140 ofs << p.fluidType << endl;
141 }
142 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
143 ofs << "</PointData>" << endl;
148 ofs << "<Cells>" << endl;
149 // connectivity
150 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Int64", "connectivity", 1, "ascii") << endl;
151 for (size_t i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
152 ofs << i << endl;
153 }
154 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
155 // offsets
156 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Int64", "offsets", 1, "ascii") << endl;
157 for (size_t i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
158 ofs << i + 1 << endl;
159 }
160 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
161 // types
162 ofs << dataArrayBegin("UInt8", "types", 1, "ascii") << endl;
163 for (const auto& p : particles) {
164 ofs << 1 << endl; // 1: particle
165 }
166 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
167 ofs << "</Cells>" << endl;
168 ofs << "</Piece>" << endl;
169 // ---------------------
170 // ---- Field data ----
171 // ---------------------
172 ofs << "<FieldData>" << endl;
173 ofs << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"Time\" NumberOfTuples=\"1\" format=\"ascii\">" << endl;
174 ofs << time << endl;
175 ofs << "</DataArray>" << endl;
176 ofs << "</FieldData>" << endl;
177 ofs << "</UnstructuredGrid>" << endl;
178 ofs << "</VTKFile>" << endl;
std::string dataArrayBegin(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, int numberOfComponents, const std::string &format, size_t offset=SIZE_MAX) const
write the header of DataArray for the VTK format
std::string dataArrayEnd() const
write the end of DataArray for the VTK format
bool isBigEndian() const
detect the endian of the system
int size() const
Get the number of particles.
Definition particles.cpp:21
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toVtuBinary()

void ParticlesExporter::toVtuBinary ( const std::filesystem::path & path,
const double & time,
const double & n0ForNumberDensity = 1.0 )

Export the particles to a file in the VTK zlib format.

pathpath to the file to write
timecurrent time in the simulation
n0ForNumberDensityreference number density for the number density calculation

--— Points --—

--— Cells --—

Definition at line 181 of file particles_exporter.cpp.

181 {
182 std::ofstream ofs(path);
183 if ( {
184 cerr << "cannot write " << path << endl;
185 std::exit(-1);
186 }
188 std::stringstream binaryData; // binary data to be written
190 // header
191 ofs << "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" << endl;
192 ofs << "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"1.0\" header_type=\"UInt64\" byte_order=\"";
193 if (isBigEndian()) {
194 ofs << "BigEndian";
195 } else {
196 ofs << "LittleEndian";
197 }
198 ofs << "\">" << endl;
199 ofs << "<UnstructuredGrid>" << endl
200 << "<Piece NumberOfPoints=\"" << particles.size() << "\" NumberOfCells=\"" << particles.size() << "\">" << endl;
204 ofs << "<Points>" << endl;
205 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Float64", "Position", 3, "appended", binaryData.tellp()) << endl;
206 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
207 uint64_t length_points = particles.size() * 3 * sizeof(double);
208 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_points), sizeof(uint64_t));
209 for (const auto& p : particles) {
210 double x = p.position.x();
211 double y = p.position.y();
212 double z = p.position.z();
213 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&x), sizeof(double));
214 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&y), sizeof(double));
215 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&z), sizeof(double));
216 }
217 ofs << "</Points>" << endl;
218 // ---------------------
219 // ----- PointData -----
220 // ---------------------
221 ofs << "<PointData>" << endl;
222 // Particle Type
223 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Int32", "Particle Type", 1, "appended", binaryData.tellp()) << endl;
224 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
225 uint64_t length_particle_type = particles.size() * sizeof(int32_t);
226 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_particle_type), sizeof(uint64_t));
227 for (const auto& p : particles) {
228 int32_t type = static_cast<int32_t>(p.type);
229 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&type), sizeof(int32_t));
230 }
231 // Velocity
232 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Float64", "Velocity", 3, "appended", binaryData.tellp()) << endl;
233 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
234 uint64_t length_velocity = particles.size() * 3 * sizeof(double);
235 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_velocity), sizeof(uint64_t));
236 for (const auto& p : particles) {
237 double vx = p.velocity.x();
238 double vy = p.velocity.y();
239 double vz = p.velocity.z();
240 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&vx), sizeof(double));
241 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&vy), sizeof(double));
242 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&vz), sizeof(double));
243 }
244 // Pressure
245 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Float64", "Pressure", 1, "appended", binaryData.tellp()) << endl;
246 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
247 uint64_t length_pressure = particles.size() * sizeof(double);
248 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_pressure), sizeof(uint64_t));
249 for (const auto& p : particles) {
250 double pressure = p.pressure;
251 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&pressure), sizeof(double));
252 }
253 // Number Density
254 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Float64", "Number Density", 1, "appended", binaryData.tellp()) << endl;
255 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
256 uint64_t length_number_density = particles.size() * sizeof(double);
257 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_number_density), sizeof(uint64_t));
258 for (const auto& p : particles) {
259 double number_density = p.numberDensity;
260 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&number_density), sizeof(double));
261 }
262 // Number Density Ratio
263 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Float64", "Number Density Ratio", 1, "appended", binaryData.tellp()) << endl;
264 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
265 uint64_t length_number_density_ratio = particles.size() * sizeof(double);
266 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_number_density_ratio), sizeof(uint64_t));
267 for (const auto& p : particles) {
268 double number_density_ratio = p.numberDensity / n0ForNumberDensity;
269 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&number_density_ratio), sizeof(double));
270 }
271 // Boundary Condition
272 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Int32", "Boundary Condition", 1, "appended", binaryData.tellp()) << endl;
273 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
274 uint64_t length_boundary_condition = particles.size() * sizeof(int32_t);
275 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_boundary_condition), sizeof(uint64_t));
276 for (const auto& p : particles) {
277 int32_t boundary_condition = static_cast<int32_t>(p.boundaryCondition);
278 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&boundary_condition), sizeof(int32_t));
279 }
280 // Fluid Type
281 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Int32", "Fluid Type", 1, "appended", binaryData.tellp()) << endl;
282 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
283 uint64_t length_fluid_type = particles.size() * sizeof(int32_t);
284 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_fluid_type), sizeof(uint64_t));
285 for (const auto& p : particles) {
286 int32_t fluid_type = p.fluidType;
287 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&fluid_type), sizeof(int32_t));
288 }
289 ofs << "</PointData>" << endl;
293 ofs << "<Cells>" << endl;
294 // connectivity
295 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Int64", "connectivity", 1, "appended", binaryData.tellp()) << endl;
296 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
297 uint64_t length_connectivity = particles.size() * sizeof(int64_t);
298 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_connectivity), sizeof(uint64_t));
299 for (size_t i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
300 int64_t connectivity = i;
301 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&connectivity), sizeof(int64_t));
302 }
303 // offsets
304 ofs << dataArrayBegin("Int64", "offsets", 1, "appended", binaryData.tellp()) << endl;
305 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
306 uint64_t length_offset = particles.size() * sizeof(int64_t);
307 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_offset), sizeof(uint64_t));
308 for (size_t i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
309 int64_t offset = i + 1;
310 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&offset), sizeof(int64_t));
311 }
312 // types
313 ofs << dataArrayBegin("UInt8", "types", 1, "appended", binaryData.tellp()) << endl;
314 ofs << dataArrayEnd() << endl;
315 uint64_t length_types = particles.size() * sizeof(uint8_t);
316 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_types), sizeof(uint64_t));
317 for (const auto& p : particles) {
318 uint8_t type = 1; // 1: particle
319 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&type), sizeof(uint8_t));
320 }
321 ofs << "</Cells>" << endl;
322 ofs << "</Piece>" << endl;
323 // ---------------------
324 // ---- Field data ----
325 // ---------------------
326 ofs << "<FieldData>" << endl;
327 ofs << "<DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"Time\" NumberOfTuples=\"1\" format=\"appended\" offset=\""
328 << binaryData.tellp() << "\"/>" << endl;
329 // Time
330 uint64_t length_time = sizeof(double);
331 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&length_time), sizeof(uint64_t));
332 double time_copied = time; // copy time to use reinterpret_cast
333 binaryData.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&time_copied), sizeof(double));
334 ofs << "</FieldData>" << endl;
335 ofs << "</UnstructuredGrid>" << endl;
336 // ---------------------
337 // --- Appended Data ---
338 // ---------------------
339 ofs << "<AppendedData encoding=\"raw\">" << endl;
340 ofs << "_" << binaryData.str() << endl;
341 ofs << "</AppendedData>" << endl;
342 ofs << "</VTKFile>" << endl;
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setParticles()

void ParticlesExporter::setParticles ( const Particles & particles)

Set the particles to export to a file. This method is required before exporting.


Definition at line 47 of file particles_exporter.cpp.

47 {
48 this->particles = particles;
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toProf()

void ParticlesExporter::toProf ( const std::filesystem::path & path,
const double & time )

Export the particles to a file in the Prof format.

pathpath to the file to write
timecurrent time in the simulation

Definition at line 51 of file particles_exporter.cpp.

51 {
52 std::ofstream ofs(path);
53 if ( {
54 cerr << "cannot write " << path << endl;
55 std::exit(-1);
56 }
58 ofs << time << endl;
59 ofs << particles.size() << endl;
60 for (const auto& p : particles) {
61 ofs << static_cast<int>(p.type) << " ";
62 ofs << p.position.x() << " " << p.position.y() << " " << p.position.z() << " ";
63 ofs << p.velocity.x() << " " << p.velocity.y() << " " << p.velocity.z();
64 ofs << endl;
65 }
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toVtu()

void ParticlesExporter::toVtu ( const std::filesystem::path & path,
const double & time,
const double & n0ForNumberDensity = 1.0,
const bool binary = false )

Export the particles to a file in the VTK zlib format.

pathpath to the file to write
timecurrent time in the simulation
n0ForNumberDensityreference number density for the number density calculation

Definition at line 345 of file particles_exporter.cpp.

347 {
348 if (binary) {
349 toVtuBinary(path, time, n0ForNumberDensity);
350 } else {
351 toVtuAscii(path, time, n0ForNumberDensity);
352 }
void toVtuAscii(const std::filesystem::path &path, const double &time, const double &n0ForNumberDensity=1.0)
Export the particles to a file in the VTK zlib format.
void toVtuBinary(const std::filesystem::path &path, const double &time, const double &n0ForNumberDensity=1.0)
Export the particles to a file in the VTK zlib format.
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toCsv()

void ParticlesExporter::toCsv ( const std::filesystem::path & path,
const double & time )

Export the particles to a file in the CSV format.

pathpath to the file to write
timecurrent time in the simulation

Definition at line 355 of file particles_exporter.cpp.

355 {
356 std::ofstream ofs(path);
357 if ( {
358 cerr << "cannot write " << path << endl;
359 std::exit(-1);
360 }
362 ofs << time << endl;
363 ofs << particles.size() << endl;
364 ofs << "type,fluidType,x,y,z,vx,vy,vz" << endl;
365 for (const auto& p : particles) {
366 ofs << static_cast<int>(p.type) << ",";
367 ofs << p.fluidType << ",";
368 ofs << p.position.x() << "," << p.position.y() << "," << p.position.z() << ",";
369 ofs << p.velocity.x() << "," << p.velocity.y() << "," << p.velocity.z();
370 ofs << endl;
371 }
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ particles

Particles ParticlesExporter::particles

Definition at line 60 of file particles_exporter.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: