Class for particle in MPS method.
FluidState boundaryCondition
boundary condition of the particle
double inverseDensity() const
calculate inverse of density for collision
Eigen::Vector3d acceleration
acceleration of the particle
double density
density of the particle. It is used only for fluid and wall particles.
double numberDensity
number density of the particle
double sourceTerm
source term of the particle
std::vector< Neighbor > neighbors
neighbors of the particle
Particle(int id, ParticleType type, Eigen::Vector3d pos, Eigen::Vector3d vel, double density, int fluidType=0)
double minimumPressure
minimum pressure of the particle
Enum class for fluid state.
@ SubFreeSurface
inner particle near free surface
Enum class for particle type.
@ Ghost
Ghost particle (outside of the domain, not used for calculation)
@ DummyWall
Dummy wall particle (pressure is not calculated)